Thursday, November 19, 2015

New AND FREE to Share - Why Not with Sean Callagy #20

Why Not Take Care of Others AND You?

Dear Kindred Spirit:

How are you doing today?

That is the focus of today’s Why Not Huddle.

Today is a bit of a milestone. 20 straight weekdays we’ve now done the Why Not Huddle. It may sound small, but think about it. Try doing anything new and extra for twenty straight weekdays. It isn’t usually that achievable for folks.

BUT, it can be if you follow the approaches we’ve been sharing on the Why Not Huddles.

Thanks Taylor Gallo, my awesome and amazing Executive Assistant whose been getting up at the crack of dawn every day, transforming herself into a “morning person” (or maybe not!). In any case, Taylor, tremendous job!

Here’s to the next 1,000 episodes and early mornings!!

We are also going with a new format for our Why Not Huddles for the week. I want to focus on some key areas and give folks some weekly predictability for the Why Not Huddle.

Monday will be “Momentum Mondays”. We will focus on getting your week rolling and focusing on your goals, plans and acceleration within the process of exponential growth.

Tuesday we will talk about Time Mastery. Time is our precious element because of its finite nature. We will explore ways people can go from not having enough time to do anything, to having time do everything that is most meaningful and valuable. The misuse of time is one of the great inhibitors of our success.

Wednesday we become “Why Wednesdays.” Why, which we haven’t explored in depth, is the fuel, the energy behind our action and our results. It is what emotionally drives our behavior from the core.

Talk Thursdays will be all about the key skill set of our life: human communication. The power to, with integrity, influence, is what separates people in terms of success in relationships, sales, marketing, leadership and virtually anything you can think of.

Fridays are now Fun. On Fun Friday’s we will explore ways to inject fun, passion and adventure into all aspects of your work and play life. From discussing shark feed dives to virtually eliminating the difference between work and play, without fun, passion and adventure, what are we doing anyway? We will explore the most exotic to the simplest ways to find fun, passion and adventure.

Life is about progress in all areas. I’m excited about the new format. Let me know what you think?

Have a Why Not day!

By the way, if you know anyone with any legal need, our 100 person law firm is ready to help people with virtually any legal challenge. If we can’t help, we will know someone who can. Contact us now at or call 201-261-1700.


In Your Service,

Sean Callagy

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the word.

You can see all of our WHY NOT – HUDDLE videos by clicking here and subscribing! If you have questions about any of the content you see or to have your questions answered on an upcoming show by Sean, please email your questions directly to him by clicking here.

The Daily Why Not Huddle is for you if you want to exponentially increase your money, time, or fulfillment. The Why Not Huddle with business coaching expert, successful entrepreneur, and attorney Sean Callagy provide the essential daily ingredients for you to create and achieve your destiny.

New AND FREE to Share - Why Not with Sean Callagy #20 #BusinessCoaching, #CallagyCoaching, #CallagyLaw, #Coaching, #Entrepreneur, #Entrepreneurship, #GoalSetting, #LawOfficeOfSeanRCallagy, #LifeCoaching, #Motivation, #SeanCallagy, #Success, #WhyNot, #Youtube

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