Wednesday, November 18, 2015

New AND FREE to Share - Why Not with Sean Callagy #19

Why Not Exponentially Increase the Power of Your Ability to Connect with Others?

Dear Kindred Spirits:

How do you feel about other people?

What do you believe about other people?

Are people bad? Are they selfish? Do you believe people are mean? Crazy? Unsupportive?

On the other hand, do you believe people have good hearts? Do you know that people deep down care about others? Do you think people want to help?

These beliefs are impacting two critical aspects to your life. These elements impact your relationships with other people, and therefore, impact your ability, whether it be in your business, career, or your personal life, to produce the results you want to achieve your goals and ultimate destiny.

So, what are these critical impacts for you?

First, what you believe about other people is controlling and impacting your feelings about communicating with other people, as well as your desire to help other people AND to ask for their help.

Exponential results require us to have strong and positive relationships with other people. If we believe people are, in general, self-absorbed mean creatures who only do things out of pure self-interest, then we will have a far more difficult time approaching and interacting with others because it will feel more “painful”.

The second impact is the most important though. This impact is what will not only increase our desire to interact with others, but will also increase their desire to help and interact with us!

To learn more about this, tune into today’s Why Not Huddle Episode 19.

You can find the Why Not Huddle by liking the Callagy Law Facebook Page or by subscribing directly on YouTube.

If you have any legal questions for your business, including issues with partners or shareholders, or any other legal or how to produce results questions, please contact us at or call 201-261-1700.

Have an amazing Why Not day!

In Your Service,

Sean Callagy

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the word.

You can see all of our WHY NOT – HUDDLE videos by clicking here and subscribing! If you have questions about any of the content you see or to have your questions answered on an upcoming show by Sean, please email your questions directly to him by clicking here.

The Daily Why Not Huddle is for you if you want to exponentially increase your money, time, or fulfillment. The Why Not Huddle with business coaching expert, successful entrepreneur, and attorney Sean Callagy provide the essential daily ingredients for you to create and achieve your destiny.

New AND FREE to Share - Why Not with Sean Callagy #19 #BusinessCoaching, #CallagyCoaching, #CallagyLaw, #Coaching, #Entrepreneur, #Entrepreneurship, #GoalSetting, #NewYork, #SeanCallagy, #Success, #WhyNot, #Youtube

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