Monday, April 13, 2015

Tips to Enjoying Spring 2015

It has been a long and difficult wait for the spring season this year.   It was a slow winter, too often giving rise to a feeling that it would never end.   But now, finally, it is time to open the windows, smell the air, get outside, and enjoy the smell of flowers in bloom and the clean fresh aroma of spring.

Being on the road as a client liaison, I witness every day the scenery’s re-birth at the nurturing hands of Spring.  With the trees re-gaining their greenery and the flowers re-making their colors, it can be difficult to stay focused on the road and the cars all around you.  But stay focused you must, and do what you can to avoid those drivers distracted by the beauty of spring.

Also, bear in mind, flowers and greenery are not the only things you see more of in the spring.  The New Jersey State police also seem to be in bloom in the Spring. Perhaps it is my imagination, but here appears to me many more police cruisers out there pulling people over and writing summonses, probably to give themselves the opportunity to get out of their cars and smell the fresh Spring air.  So, stay focused on the road for the added reason of avoiding a ticket.  Nothing ruins a beautiful Spring day as quickly as a traffic summons.

If you would like to enjoy the beauty of spring and be taken in by its wonderful distractions, try doing so at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, where the Spring Cherry Blossoms will be on full display this month.

A good place to visit in the Spring season is also, at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, at the end of the month, enjoy the Sakura Matsuri, which is a celebration of Japanese culture.

The combination of those two things is a wonderful way to welcome in the spring.


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