Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Fear of Technology

The fear of technology is not what people think it is.  Many think of it as fear of the unknown, or fear of the future, or the discomfort with deviating from what we have grown to know and get used to.  I disagree.  I believe the fear of technology amounts to the fear of losing touch with being human and everything that we know as being human—genuine sensory stimulation, interaction with others like us, tangible things–and that this has been true throughout the hundreds of thousands of years of our history.

As we go back in time, we realize that technology is nothing more than real things being replaced by representations of real things.  Before tools we did everything with our own limbs.  We ate with our hands, we traveled using our legs. The automobile replaces walking so that distance takes on a different meaning—it is not as burdensome as it was and therefore traveling has less of an impact on us.  Television is the image of what is occurring in the world, not something we are experiencing directly.  It is the same with radio.  All of technological advancement is the receding of our sensory perceptions.  The virtual world is exactly that.  But all technology that preceded the computer and the web were forms of this same growing detachment from what is real.  I hear people say, “pick up the phone and call someone,” rather than email or text them.  But didn’t the phone call replace the in-person visit?  So isn’t texting and emailing simply the next step in the alienation process?

As adults we talk about how our kids don’t go outside enough, how they are losing people skills, they don’t get enough exercise, but this has been going on for generations.  The difference in what is happening today with technology is that, in light of the computer, the advances are coming at such an exponential rate that we see ourselves growing more and more alienated from each other in much shorter increments of time.  We are no longer talking about generation gaps, but extraordinary changes from one year to the next.

Not only are books and magazines disappearing into cyberspace, along with movies and records, but all knowledge is doing so.  And once all knowledge disappears into cyberspace, at the disposal of any and all, interaction ceases to be necessary.  That is the fear of technology.


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The Fear of Technology #Advancement, #Callagylaw, #Fear, #HumanCommunication, #Seancallagy, #Technology

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