Client Liaisons – A Unique Feature Of Callagy Law
October 3, 2014
Written By:
Thomas LaGreca, Client Liaison at Callagy Law
One of the unique features of Callagy Law is our team of client liaisons.
In representing medical providers in the areas of Personal Injury Protection (PIP), Workers Compensation (WC)and Commercial Insurance (CI), we start with our client liaisons. Every medical provider we represent is assigned a liaison who immediately becomes the provider’s primary point of contact with the firm. The liaison is available to answer questions for the provider, to supply the provider with status reports of pending claims, , to get calls scheduled with attorneys for law-related questions, and to assist the provider in a variety of other ways. In most cases, the liaison meets periodically with the medical providers to assist in identifying claims that might be underpaid or unfairly denied, and in assembling the necessary documents to proceed with the claim. A liaison might be an attorney, making them qualified to discuss some of the legal aspects of pursuing the provider’s claims; or a liaison might be experienced in medical billing requirements, coding and procedures; or perhaps the liaison is from the insurance carrier community, bringing with them a familiarity with the insurance carriers decision making process when it comes to paying medical providers less than what we believe is the appropriate amount. All in all, they bring communication as well as expertise to the Callagy/Medical Provider relationship.
In addition, the client liaison serves a very important function for the firm. Because they are “out there” in our client community, the liaison often serves as the face and spokesperson for the firm. The liaisons, by the very nature of their job functions, are called upon to be sales, marketing and customer service representatives, all in one. As such, we provide training and mentorship continuously, as well as information regarding trends in medical collection policies and practices.
In many ways, liaisons are the gateway to Callagy Law, and are expected to display that type of welcoming behavior in all of their relationships, communications and behavior.
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