Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Beware of the Finality Clause of a PPO Agreement

The following article was written by Callagy Law’s Legal Team, and will focus on many common questions and concerns surrounding new developments, legal matters, and other procedures within the field of healthcare law Medical Revenue Recovery, PIP, Workers Compensation, and Commercial Insurance. Our mission is to answer any questions and give knowledge to many different aspects of these matters.

Under the New Jersey No-Fault laws, medical providers who treat patients injured in motor vehicle accidents can arbitrate PIP claims against No-Fault insurance carriers.  Some of these medical providers have entered into PPO agreements with various insurance companies.  These “preferred provider” contracts govern how the provider will be paid by the carrier.  Generally speaking, the provider is willing to accept a lower reimbursement amount in exchange for faster reimbursement as well as inclusion in a network of preferred medical providers.

Unfortunately, medical providers may not be aware of some of the pitfalls in a PPO contract.  One issue that can be troubling in a New Jersey PIP arbitration is what is commonly referred to as the “finality clause.”  The “finality clause” is a provision in the PPO contract that typically states that the medical provider will “accept” whatever amount the insurance company pays, unless they dispute the amount in a certain period of time.  We often see the dispute period as ninety-days.    A typical finality provision reads something like the following:

“Neither the Medical Provider nor the Payor may dispute the amount billed or paid more than ninety (90) days after payment.”

“The payment made under this Agreement may not be disputed after ninety (90) days from payment.”

For example, suppose a provider provides a medically necessary service to a PIP patient, and then bills an insurer $1,000.00 and is entitled to that amount under the New Jersey PIP regulations.  The insurer responds by issuing a payment in the amount of $500.00.  Let’s say the PPO contract provides for payment at 90% of the amount billed.  In such case, the provider should have been reimbursed $900.00.  Let’s also say the provider does not dispute the payment, in the form of an official appeal, until six months later when it wishes to seek redress.  Let’s also say that the carrier denies any additional payment as a result of the appeal.  The provider then files a Demand for arbitration in New Jersey.  The insurer will likely raise the finality provision as a defense against having to pay any additional money, and will argue that the provider may no longer dispute the amount paid, having waited beyond the contractual period to appeal.  This defense may prove successful for the insurer.

The provider should pay attention to the provisions of its PPO contracts.  If a finality clause is contained in the contract, the provider should file its objection to the amount paid in a timely basis and in accordance with any other requirements in the agreement.  It is advisable to limit the defenses that may be prevent a hearing on the merits of the provider’s right to redress.

We do have arguments to make to overcome the defense of a finality provision, but the most effective arsenal we can have to prevail is an appeal (with proof of delivery) demonstrating the medical provider indeed did timely dispute the payment in accordance with the PPO contract.

We hope you have found this information helpful and interesting. Please reach out to us here with any questions or comments regarding healthcare legal matters, or if you are a medical provider that has questions regarding Medical Revenue Recovery, PIP, Workers Compensation, and Commercial Insurance.. Feel free to search us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn!


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Beware of the Finality Clause of a PPO Agreement #CallagyLaw, #FinalityClause, #LegalFacts, #LegalNews, #Ppo

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