Monday, March 16, 2015

The Importance of the Trauma Services “TS” Modifier

Trauma Centers are specially equipped and organized hospitals, specializing in caring for seriously injured patients. Trauma Center care guarantees the immediate availability of specialized personnel, equipment, and capabilities 24 hours a day. These centers work closely with each other and with local community hospitals to assure the best possible appropriate trauma care.  Level I and Level II Trauma Centers are located on a population and geographic basis across New Jersey.


The New Jersey Level I and Level II Trauma Centers are UMDNJ, Newark; Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick and Cooper Hospital in Camden, which are all Level I trauma facilities.  The Level II trauma facilities include Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack; St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Paterson; Jersey City Medical Center, Jersey City; Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown; Capital Health Systems at Fuld, Trenton; Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune and AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City.


Most often, trauma activation occurs out in the field, when EMS personnel decide trauma activation is appropriate.  EMS personnel assess the physiology and anatomy of the injury as well as the circumstances of the injury.  If they believe it is necessary to activate the hospital’s trauma team, EMS will radio ahead for trauma activation.


Under current PIP/No Fault regulations, trauma services are defined as


[T]he care provided in the Level I or Level II trauma hospital to patients whose arrival requires trauma center activation.  It does not include transportation to the hospital, treatment of patients whose arrival at the hospital does not require trauma activation or outpatient visits after a patient who has received trauma care is discharged from acute care.


The regulations also state that the physician fee schedule rates “shall not apply to trauma services at Level I and Level II trauma hospitals” and that  “[b]ills for services subject to the trauma services exemption shall use the modifier ‘–TS’. “


The above provision requiring use of the “TS” modifier applies to the physicians who render the trauma services at the trauma center. It is imperative that the trauma physicians use the “TS” modifier when billing for their trauma services. If not, they are likely to be paid at the physician fee schedule rates, which are substantially less.


It is important to keep in mind that this regulation has nothing to do with the trauma center’s facility charges.  The trauma hospital itself, like all other hospital ER treatment in both trauma and non-trauma facilities, is entitled to UCR (usual and customary charges) for its ER services. This is true despite the efforts of some carriers to pay some or all of the services rendered as part of ER treatment at rates less than the hospital’s UCR.


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The Importance of the Trauma Services “TS” Modifier #Callagylaw, #Hospital, #Modifier, #Provider, #Traumacenter

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