Thursday, February 19, 2015

Callagy Law: Healthcare Law Services

Callagy Law has represented over 700 healthcare providers and facilities in the never-ending pursuit of fair reimbursement of PIP, workers compensation, and commercial insurance claims.

Medical insurers call it “cost containment.” We call it “wrongful withholding of our clients’ money.” The strategies that healthcare providers use to minimize their disbursements are aggressive, sophisticated, and highly successful. Here’s the problem: it’s your money that they’re “containing.”

Callagy Law tackles healthcare insurers every day – in court, arbitration meetings, and through settlement conferences – and we do this to get you what is rightfully yours. We understand how insurers think and the games they play. And as a result of our aggressive recovery efforts, we have been able to reclaim tens of millions of dollars for the providers who have turned to us to get fair and just reimbursement.

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Callagy Law: Healthcare Law Services #Callagylaw, #Doctors, #Healthcarelaw, #Hospitals, #Medical, #Pip, #Providers, #Revenuerecovery, #Surgeons

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