Friday, December 26, 2014

Callagy Law: What to Do If You Get Pulled Over by the Police, Part 2

This blog is the second of three parts, because, as I mentioned in Part 1, it is a story about three different strategies for dealing with being pulled over by the police, and a story about three brothers and the differences in their attitudes.  Part 1 described the approach of the first brother, whom we will call The Rebel.  We saw how his approach was a formula for receiving the maximum penalty from the police when stopped, and perhaps even some punishment beyond the maximum.  It is the best approach for eliciting the least amount of sympathy, understanding or forgiveness from the authorities.  This Part describes an approach that is entirely different.

The second brother, whom we will call The Comic, from very young, would approach authority figures as if they were his audience.  In high school, we were not permitted to call our teachers by their first names, and there was one teacher named Tom who was particularly sensitive about this.  So, this brother would have someone named Tom, namely me, go down the hallway and stand behind Tom the teacher.  Once everyone was in position, he would yell “Hey, Tom,” as loudly as he could in the direction of the teacher.  When the teacher would react, readying to send him to the office, The Comic would say, “What’s the problem, I was calling my brother; I need to tell him something.”  Of course, there was little the teacher could do, and in fact the teacher would crack a small, reluctant smile.

Later, The Comic was stopped by a police officer because his inspection sticker was expired.  In fact, it expired more than a year before he was stopped.  When the police officer explained why he was pulled over, The Comic said, with tremendous aplomb, “I know, officer, I have been very busy lately.”  When the officer responded, “It is a whole year your inspection is overdue,” The Comic said, “Oh my goodness, you see how quickly time flies when you are busy!”
He still received a ticket, but maybe, just maybe, for an instant, the officer considered letting him go, and perhaps with another officer it might have even worked.

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