Friday, September 26, 2014

$7 Million Dollar Win! A Plan Of Passion

September 26, 2014
$7 Million Dollar Win! A Plan of Passion
Original Post by Sean Callagy
Hiring outside counsel is often a complex process that involves perceived expertise and reputation.

Does this get you the right firm for your company though?

Maybe it does, but maybe it doesn’t.

When I first started my own firm, 17 years ago, I had a theory, after working at a large law firm for a whopping six months. My theory was that years in practice was a dramatically overrated criteria in the legal game.

That is why I didn’t think I was as crazy as everyone thought I was when I started my own firm at 28 years old.

When I was working with one of New Jersey’s largest firms, and after having argued hundreds of moot court rounds in law school, I quickly saw that my skills in arguing the law, weren’t that different than the partners for whom I worked.

I began to see that confidence and communication skills were a lot more important than years in practice.

There did seem to be some correlation to years in practice and developing those core skills, but certainly not a direct correlation.

Then, in the first full year of practicing on my own, I was presented with an amazing opportunity to prove my theory: my landlord, and family friend, had a multi-million dollar commercial dispute with an enormous bank, and I was going to handle the case.

What was even better, the bank hired one of New Jersey’s most high powered firms, and the man that ran their litigation department whom many considered to be one of New Jersey’s most ferocious commercial litigators.

The first day in court, following our filing for an emergent injunction, was one in which my adversary used every old law dog trick in the book. He accused ME of: fraudulently certifying how we served his firm; having no idea what I was doing as an attorney; being 25 years his junior in the practice of law; misquoting the law; lying about the facts; and essentially being the worst and most despicable the legal profession had to offer.

He withdrew his client’s $100,000 offer to settle the case.

Oh, and to make the scenario illustration a bit more complete, I had gone out with the judge’s daughter during law school and broken up with her in a way he perceived to be inappropriately unceremonious.

It was a fun first day of the case. Yet, eight months later, we settled the case for over $7,000,000, which was everything my client was demanding, plus attorney’s fees.

What happened?

The bank hired the better firm, right?

Absolutely wrong!

The bank didn’t get what they thought they were getting.

This story is a part of my upcoming book, Why Not, so in this blog article I’m not going through all of the details, but I will give you the 5 things the bank didn’t look for, but should have.

Before we go through the list, competency to handle a case is presumed for purposes of this list. Can the lawyer speak, read, write and communicate?

If not, we don’t get to this list!

Here goes:

  1. How confident do you feel that the lawyer is emotionally engaged in your case?

The law is about caring. If your lawyer cares because he or she is getting paid, that’s not good enough. Does your attorney want to win? Does he or she truly care about the outcome?  Do you feel it. If not, move on to someone else.

  1. How clear is the vision of the case the lawyer presents?

“Without a vision, our nation will perish,” Same goes for your case. Oh, and that vision should be an outstanding expeditious result, not to bill you for a long time and when you’ve been billed enough, to settle for what could have happened on day 1.

If you have a phenomenal plan that is clear, you’re golden. If not, move along.

  1. How unique are some of the lawyer’s thoughts about ways to ethically gain leverage to expeditiously resolve the case?

Law suits are emotionally driven, like all human behavior. After the emotion settles down, logic enters the equation. How clear is your lawyer’s plan on how to show your adversary why it makes sense to resolve this case?

Then, how clear is the plan to leverage them into settling as the case progresses.

This is one of your lawyer’s most important functions. Are they demonstrating this to you immediately?

  1. How quickly does the lawyer dissect the issues and make you feel that he is saying things you didn’t think about yet?

If you hear nothing but what you’ve considered, you should be concerned. Your attorney should be creative and mindful in an insightful way when initially discussing the case.

  1. Attorneys can process paper or they can impact the outcome. Is the person with whom you’re speaking going to impact the outcome? If they aren’t showing you that in the first hour, it will not get better.

How do you feel about all 5 of the above questions for the other attorneys who will be working on the case with that attorney?

Associates handle a lot of your case. They have to be all the things we discussed above. If you do not feel that you have the right answers to 1 through 5 above, find another firm!

Energy, passion, creativity and relentless persistence creates the optimal client results.

These qualities are not easy to find in lawyers. The legal profession is brutal and drains those elements out of its masses like no other profession.

What an attorney was yesterday, is not what an attorney is today. In the bank case, I simply out worked and out cared my adversaries.

I destroyed their under prepared witnesses at deposition, and they missed some big opportunities to limit some of my client’s claims.

I’m sure, though, the bank went happily skipping along to refer their next big case to my prestigious adversary.

You can be quick, or you can really care about yourself and company and find the right fit for your case.

If you would like to discuss the 5 points above further, or any case, I would love to speak with you.

My name, again, is Sean Callagy with Callagy Law, now a 120 person law firm practicing in New York, New Jersey and Arizona.

I believe, and our clients tell us, that we reflect these key elements as attorneys.

In fact, we recently obtained a 33.5 million dollar verdict through caring, relentless persistence, and an incredibly clear vision from day one for one of our business clients.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How Logical Are You Really?

How logical are you really?
The illogical habit of most logical people is to watch the news and focus on things that don't help them, and maybe even hurt them.
We live in a world where "information" and "reality" seem instantaneous.
When "something happens" it is everywhere in the "blink of an eye".
When I ask people about this, they tell me it gives them a "realistic" perspective of the world.
BUT, does it really?
So, let's start with a small, simple question: What is reality?
I submit that reality is not the myopic focus of a narrow view point into an isolated moment in time that present a totally unrealistic and distorted view point.
There is a term in the law, which I believe also appears in psychology and sociology: "fact stacking".
Fact stacking is a process by which a person lists limited and specific facts about something to lead someone else to a conclusion.
For example, let's fact stack some presidents.
For those that don't like Bill Clinton, here is a simple way to "logically" prove your point:
  1. He admitted to an affair while in the White House.
  2. The White House is one of the most sacred buildings in America.
  3. Clinton disgraced the White House, America and the Office of the President.
  4. Clinton then had the audacity to go on television and say, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".
  5. Clinton not only cheated on his wife, disgraced the White House and disgraced the presidency; he then had the shocking audacity and complete lack of character or morality to LIE to our entire nation and embarrass us in front of the world.
  6. Then, instead of saving the nation from further embarrassment on the world stage, Clinton refused to resign and dragged the nation through prolonged media coverage and impeachment hearings.
  7. And, this vile, morally depraved man convinced his opportunist wife to stay with him in a marriage of convenience and political business partnership.
  8. Therefore, Bill Clinton, a selfish liar, cheater, political operator and fraud is the worst president in American History.
Well, okay then.
Sounds like he's a really bad guy; and that was a piece I heard this morning on Fox News (just kidding).
Let's take another look at President Clinton though. This time, let's compare him to President Bush, as potentially seen on MSNBC (again, not really):
Bill Clinton came from nothing and lived the American dream.
George Bush was born into insane money and privilege.
President Clinton was raised by a single mom, excelled at every level of schooling and was truly a remarkable self made man.
George Bush's father was President of the United States and basically gave him a major league baseball team. Oh, and his academic record was less than impressive, but he got a pass into the right schools because of his name.
President Clinton won one of the most improbable elections for president in United State history.
As for Bush, how could the son of a president not become president?
President Clinton took on a level of debt that many scholars believed could never be paid off and balanced a budget that no one ever thought could be balanced.
Bush, the money guy, ran up debt that was beyond anything our nation has ever seen. We are still reeling from his financial mismanagement.
President Clinton protected our American soil from any foreign terrorist attacks.
Bush allowed 9-11 to happen.
President Clinton kept our foreign relations in a generally healthy place and did not get us into any wars.
Bush, hated by most other leaders around the world, dragged us into an unnecessary war based upon evidence that never existed, which was a horrendous fraud perpetrated on the American people, and worse, the soldiers that gave their lives.
Therefore, there is no question that President Clinton was an infinitely better president than that Bush guy.
If all you hear are the facts you’re given, than convincing you of any "reality" is very simple.
I submit reality is a bit more complex than that.
I also submit, that depending upon who you like, you will make your logical argument by emotionally deleting facts to make your case during your next political discussion.
This is why I think watching the news is a terribly bad idea.
The news does not give you "reality" about the world in which you live.
It is a lot like gossip in the office or around the school yard.
The news gives you information that caters to people's interest in negativity and drama.
The news is the news because it is what the majority of people like to watch.
That, however, doesn't make it the news.
If a shark attacks someone, it will be all over the local news.
If a brutal teen age beating occurs in an affluent neighborhood, it will also be everywhere in "the news".
If the same brutal beating occurs in Newark, New Jersey, however, it will probably not be mentioned on the news.
Why doesn't the news tell stories every day about generous donations that people make?
Why aren’t there stories about people succeeding in their work or life and overcoming great odds on the nightly news?
Why doesn't every local news show highlight the 50th wedding anniversary of successful marriages?
I'm not blaming anyone by the way.
I'm simply saying that I don't believe the news IS the news.
At least it is not the news that will help people in their lives the way it could or should.
What does that mean?
Well, how does it help people to know about a shark attack, a beating, or a political scandal?
One might argue that this makes us informed.
I ask how does this information make our lives better?
More people die from allergic reactions to bee stings than shark attacks.
So, how does dramatizing the sad accident that devastated a family help anyone else?
Beatings and murders happen. Are we not going to leave our home because a horrible incident of domestic violence occurred and someone was tragically killed?
Is this going to make our own day better?
Well, maybe.
It might make us appreciate our life more if we heard of a sad story once in a while.
If we watch the news, though, then we become totally accustomed to, and quite possibly numb to, the horrors that the worst and darkest aspects of life can bring.
What to me is even crazier is watching all day news channels that do nothing but bring this hyper focus on negativity to you 24-7.
I find it astonishing that brilliant Americans will watch hours of a tragedy and keep reading the "breaking news" banners with the tenth regurgitation of tragic news in a half an hour.
This topic is far more than one blog can cover. In fact, it will be an aspect to my book: "Why Not", which will be out in 2015.
The point though is this: if you are watching the news regularly, or getting news feeds from different sites to your phone, are you really logical in your decision to do this to yourself?
Is being this "informed" helping make you happier, more successful and more at peace?
In fact, is it helping you or those around you in any way at all?
Or, is your behavior something quite different. Maybe, it is purely an emotional outlet. Maybe watching the news is an escape.
Is it possible that the escape, which makes you feel better about your life because at least you’re not being eaten by a shark or going to prison, is really completely illogical and totally emotionally based?
AND, maybe it's not "empty calories".
What if it is a part of your living in a pattern of thinking and behavior that limits your positive energy and that positive energy which is limited is the source of you creating a life and success and results that now seems "unrealistic" and "illogical".
What if, I playfully and lovingly ask you, you only thought positive and solution driven thoughts all day every day for a year?
Would your thoughts, moods and actions be different than what they were in the past month?
So who is really is logical and realistic and who is emotional and a dreamer?
It is a far broader question than this blog can handle.
I hope it makes you think a bit more productively than last night's news or today's feed through your phone.
Maybe though, you do what you do to avoid that kind of logical thinking?!?
I hope not.
Have an amazing day of joy and passion!
In your service,
I write and share because I envision a better life and world for people.  I was blessed to discover incredible and wonderful information that hasn't led to my life being perfect, but I do live a life of gratitude, fun, adventure and a fairly unique level of "success". I believe there is a science to it, with a bit of art. I am committed to sharing that science and helping others the way others have, and continue to, help me.
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Why Attend CBMC?

Why Attend CBMC?

September 23, 2014

Why Attend CBMC?

Dear Friends and Friends to Be:

On September 30, 2014, we will be hosting our **** Callagy Business Mastery Club (“CBMC”) meeting. 

What are the 5 reasons you don’t want to miss CBMC on September 30th?

What is the CMBC?

Callagy Business Mastery Club (“CBMC“) is a club of people who own businesses, are involved in sales or business development, and want to see their business grow to the point that it provides a massive abundance of money, freedom, joy, fun, adventure, and whatever else they want, and it does it on auto pilot (also known as being a “Level  7″ business owner).

So, why not attend?

By the way, “Why Not” is the title of the new book that I’m writing.

Unfortunately, you are most likely still making decisions on a “Why” level, so I will give you your “why’s” (you’re much better off simply saying “Why Not?!” and attending — that’s what the most successful people today, and throughout history, like Einstein, Washington, Edison, Ford, and so on, do and did).

So confirm your spot now!

Still contemplating watching some TV on September 30th instead of having an awesome night with me?

Here are the 5 reasons you don’t want to miss CBMC on September 30th:

Ok, so here is reason number 1:

  1. If you want more from your business, or your life, Callagy Business Mastery Club is THE place to get it.
This is an ongoing, monthly (except for Summer-so we are just getting fired up again) program to share with you, or just remind you and motivate you, to do what are the optimal and most efficient things to grow your business. And signing up is easy! Just click here.
We teach you one comprehensive system, based on my 27 year study of the world of peak performance and optimal business development – resulting in my starting and building 4 successful companies, including my 120 person law firm, and my new office in Arizona.
Most people are lost trying to figure out what to do. They become unmotivated, stop taking action and resign themselves to: “that’s life.”  NO! That’s A LIE!
If you don’t have what you want, there are very specific reasons that are easily self-diagnosed through our program.
This includes thinking you know “what” to do, but just don’t get yourself to do it!

All results flow from three things. At CBMC we teach you those three things.
So, yes, now you are coming, right? Please call our office or click on here and confirm. Alissa wants to talk to you and welcome you to CMBC! Call 201-261-1700 or click here to say yes now!!
Reserve your seat here!
Still thinking of catching up on the bills on September 30th?  Eeeeessshhhhhh, okay.
  1. I bet you that you don’t have one complete system with three parts to take your life and business to the next level, so why not get it from me?!
Most people are always reading the next book. WHAT NEXT BOOK? Each of the next books, is a rehash of some part of the one complete system for producing results. Everything is here in one place.
All of the books can be very confusing. We eliminate confusion and give you one process and system, essentially including all of the books and programs out there.
So, call 201-261-1700 or click here and say yes to CMBC now.
If you’ve read this far, you want more. So, act now!
Okay, I promised 5 reasons, so here’s number three:
  1. You will get real feedback as to whether your process to relationship development, including rapport building, conveying your unique personal and business identity and agreement formation (what lesser programs call “closing”) is working or not working.
You would be crazy to miss this!
So many people do act. Then, they get nowhere. If that is you, something is going wrong for you in how you are communicating face to face with potential clients and referral sources.
At CMBC you will get that real world feedback that you are not going to get anywhere else that I know of.
CMBC is so unique that I have to write something this long OR you will mistakenly compare it to other things with which you are familiar.
This is NOT a networking event – – although you can and will, if you do it right – – create new strategic relationships.
This is not simply a lecture.
This is not a “motivational speech”.

This is not a guru club.
This is like being part of a paid coaching and training program!!!!!
So, call 201-261-1700 or click here and sign up for CMBC NOW!!!!!!!
Still thinking of shampooing your hair that night?
  1. It’s FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! No cost to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This program used to cost $7,200.00. Yes, that’s Seven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars!!!!!!!!!
I’m giving this away, and I won’t be forever, to re-launch into the coaching, speaking and training world, plus to teach my law firm the program, plus to meet lots of great new people.
So, you are the beneficiary of my insane generosity, and simply blessed and fortunate timing for you.
Oh yeah, and I really do love sharing and helping people, especially those who want to go places and are open to development!!!!!
If you haven’t said yes yet, why not!?!?!?!?
Unless it is back to school night or your children have a ball game, you are objectively wrong for not coming.
Okay, if it is your anniversary or birthday, you also get a pass.
Those are the only legitimate objections (plus health considerations, etc but that’s obvious).
If you have a client meeting, then BRING them!!!!!!!!!!
This brings me to my fifth reason:
  1. There is no better place to bring a potential or existing client or a potential or existing strategic relationship or referral source.
Why? Because the entire night has great energy, learning, openness and creates the perfect environment for people opening up, deepening relationships and doing business!!!!!!!!!
I always ask myself: would I go?
The answer to most things is NO WAY!!!!!! Networking meetings are generally a waste of time, unless you know what we teach.

Motivational speeches are infinitely fleeting.
This is designed specifically to help you produce results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was born out of me never wanting to go to the things other people professed would help build your business.
It was born out of reading incomplete books or hearing weak speakers who had no credibility!
Okay, I’m going into bonus land.
If you’re still reading, you must just like me, so I’ll give you some more reasons!
  1. We build in a strategic relationship development component to help you actually create business at the event!!!!!!!
  2. We feed you!!!!! For free!!!!!!!!!!
  3. My co-host is Ben Burton, a Level 7 business owner who has built an insanely successful life completely on his own terms through Business Mastery and with some help from me!!!! Yes, he helps me as well.
  4. I will make you realize very quickly that I know what I’m doing AND how much you either don’t know or simply aren’t using. By the way, this applies to even Level 7 Business Owners.
  5. You will be around very nice, normal people who are committed to growth and development as well. This gives you a wonderful sense of accountability and motivation that is essential in any process of growth and development.
I promised 5 reasons, and I gave you 10!
Even with zero reasons, you should come anyway. Why Not? It is one night of your life and you get fed for free.
If you’ve come before, you are quadrupily (I hope that’s a word) nuts for not coming back.
I’m tired. I wrote this on Saturday morning at 6 am down at the beach. We are down here for my son’s 15thbirthday! It seems like only a minute ago, we were here for his first birthday.
Now, it’s time to hit the waves and go surfing with my kids.
One final tip: Do you know that Long Beach Island, New Jersey was voted the number two swimming beach in America by Dr. Beach at Florida International University?
If you love the Ocean, go to Beach Haven or Holgate during low tide and you will catch the best body surfing waves in America that you can ride for 50 to 100 yards.

Hope you have an amazing day!!!!!
Say, Why NOT!!!!!!
Come meet me on September 30th!!!!!!!!!!!!

In your service,
Sean Callagy

Reserve Your Seat Here or call 201-261-1700 and ask to speak with Alissa.
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NY Litigation Funder Awarded $33.5M In Kickback Suit

September 23, 2014

Law360, New York (September 22, 2014, 7:13 PM ET) — A New Jersey state jury has awarded $33.5 million dollars to litigation funding business The Law Funder LLC, with the bulk of the judgment landing on an attorney and Law Funder co-founder currently serving time for defrauding the business with an elaborate kickback scheme.

According to a Monday press release, The Law Funder secured the $33.5 million judgment in late June following a three-week trial in which the company sued Mathew R. Sheldon, one of its four founders, and 19 others for their alleged involvement in a kickback scheme in which Sheldon and others were paid improper referral fees.

The award is comprised of judgments entered against Sheldon and two other defendants, with $22.9 million in compensatory damages assessed to Sheldon, another $2.2 million to co-defendant Gregory Krasovsky, a former attorney for The Law Funder who allegedly concealed Sheldon’s fraudulent activity, and $375,000 to a third, unnamed co-defendant. Sheldon was hit with an additional $8 million in punitive damages.

Sean Callagy of Callagy Law, The Law Funder’s attorney, touted the award in the statement, while conceding much of it won’t be recoverable from Sheldon, who is currently serving time after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud for his involvement in the scheme.

“This verdict is a victory for my clients,” said Callagy. “While this does not represent a complete recovery for them, we will continue to pursue the payment due for the rest of Sheldon’s life so that he may repay some of what my clients have lost.”

In October, U.S. District Judge Dennis M. Cavanaugh sentenced Sheldon, who was also underwriter and legal counsel for the New York company, to two and a half years in prison. Sheldon was also sentenced to three years of supervised release and was ordered to pay $869,492 in restitution and forfeit $869,492.

Prosecutors said The Law Funder, which extends loans to plaintiffs in pending civil litigation, did business with Montclair Funding Group LLC and its owner Rory Donadio. MFG was a broker between plaintiffs seeking advances against potential recoveries in pending litigation and private entities such as The Law Funder. In exchange for a broker’s fee, MFG would, among other things, gather necessary information and documents in support of funding opportunities so The Law Funder could evaluate whether to fund a case and for how much. Sheldon, indicted in May 2012, was a 25 percent owner in The Law Funder and supervised the underwriting process for the company.

Sheldon admitted that from February 2005 through July 2009, he conspired with Donadio to design and execute a secret kickback scheme in which Sheldon would offer certain The Law Funder investment opportunities to MFG in exchange for personally receiving a portion of each broker’s commission that The Law Funder paid MFG, according to the U.S. attorney’s office. Sheldon and Donadio agreed to conceal their fee-splitting arrangement from The Law Funder and Sheldon’s three other partners. The kickback scheme resulted in $869,492 in fraudulent payments to Sheldon, which were paid by wire transfer and other means, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Sheldon also admitted that he regularly communicated with Donadio to identify coded transactions and calculate the amount payable to Sheldon pursuant to the kickback scheme. Donadio also has pled guilty in connection with the scheme and awaits sentencing.

Sheldon and Donadio represented themselves in the matter.
The Law Funder is represented by Sean Callagy of Callagy Law.
The case is George Prussin v. Mathew Sheldon, case number L-010335-09, in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Bergen County.
–Additional reporting by Linda Chiem. Editing by Stephen Berg.

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